High Point Creation Co.




Product - List








Cane Webbing


Thank you very much for visiting our website, in order to save your


Chaircane & Peel


valuable time, we wish to inform you that our business policy is to sell 


Rattan Core & Reed


to those Importer or Wholesaler Companies. We will NOT deal with 


Reed Diffuser Sticks


any home users and private consumers for retail purchases.


Rattan Cane & Poles


For any retail purchases, please contact your local retail stores or


Paper Webbing


retailers. We wish you all the best in your shopping enjoyments !!


Seagrass & Raffia


Thank you.


Bamboo Wares


                A Busine$$-To-Busine$$ Website                


B2B Info

                    (No private or family users please.!)


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